In patient services comprise of the provision of hospital beds, and the services associated with the operating theatres, and intensive care units. We strive to provide a dignified, private and as comfortable an environment as possible for treatment and recovery.
MHN prides itself on the quality of inpatient care. MHN has a relatively high nursing staff to in-patient ratio and provides round the clock care for all inpatients. ICU patients are paid special attention and monitored closely round the clock. The quality of care provided by our doctors is a crucial factor in good clinical outcomes. Many MHN patients make a good recovery and move on to a more promising future.
Treatment and care is given for a range of conditions affecting the central nervous system including Strokes, Tumours, Congenital Anomalies, and Head and spine Injuries. Types of surgery include: Brain Tumour Surgery, Paediatric Brain Surgery, Brain Vascular Surgery, Epilepsy Surgery, Stroke Management, Spine Surgery, Head and Spine Injury Surgery, Stereotactic Surgery, and Neuroendoscopic Surgery.
There are a total of 18 beds including 3 Paediatric and 3 ICU. Two of the beds are in private rooms and the others are in shared en-suite rooms.