Prof Sam Ohaegbulam ,Neurosurgeon -in-Chief, Memfys Hospital for Neurosurgery making comments durint the ONS ConferenceThe Orient Neuroscience Society (ONS) held its 2nd Scientific and Annual General Meeting at the Memfys Hospital for Neurosurgery, Enugu, Nigeria between 11th and 12th August, 2017 with its theme titled, BRAIN PLASTICITY and sub theme- NEUROPHYSIOLOGY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE.

The conference was well attended by senior health professionals in the fields of Neurosurgery from different Health Institutions both within and outside the country. The international guests in attendance were Neurosurgeons from Shinshu University Teaching Hospital, Japan led by Prof. Hongo Kazuhiro. His colleagues were Dr. Tetsuya Goto, Dr.  Takatoshi Hasegawa and Mrs. Maki Kamijo.

Participants from the home front included Prof. Sam Ohaegbulam, NNOM, Neurosurgeon-in-Chief, Memfys, Dr. Ekochin F, Enugu State Commissioner for Health, Prof. Wilfred Mezue, Dr. M.C. Chikeani and Dr. Chika Ndubuisi.

The topics discussed were vital and contemporary health challenges that revolves in the management of neurosurgical practices in Nigeria. Among many topics discussed were

- Unilateral isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy due to pathologically adherent pica fusiform aneurysm- A case report.

- Spine tumours: A decade single institution experience in South-Eastern Nigeria.

- Fungal intraparenchymal abscesses- A continued management challenge.

- The usefulness of near-infrared spectroscopy in evaluation of the possibility of function preservation for surgeries in eloquent areas.

- Stroke ‘mimics’: the need for early neuroimaging in triage and management of suspected brain stroke.

- Dominant hemisphere and upper cervical cord tumefactive multiple sclerosis in a Nigerian teenager initially misdiagnosed and managed as glioma.